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PicoQuant FT300 螢光光譜儀系統大進化, 可選配雙階單光儀的激發光光譜儀與發射光光譜了!

好消息,現在FT300螢光光譜儀系統可選配雙階單光儀的激發光光譜儀與發射光光譜。FT300為現行唯一標準款即可提供切換相加模式(Additive mode)或相減模式(subtractive Mode)的螢光光譜儀,客戶可視需要切換高光譜解析度或超短的時間解析量測模組。

PicoQuant FT300螢光光譜儀系統大進化, 可選配雙階單光儀的激發光光譜儀與發射光光譜了!

好消息,現在FT300螢光光譜儀系統可選配雙階單光儀的激發光光譜儀與發射光光譜。FT300為現行唯一標準款即可提供切換相加模式(Additive mode)或相減模式(subtractive Mode)的螢光光譜儀,客戶可視需要切換高光譜解析度或超短的時間解析量測模組。


I'm happy to inform you, that we can quote now the FT300 with double monochromators in excitation and emission. We are the only one company offering a double in emission with the possible to switch from the additive to the subtractive mode as a standard. Customer can select for high spectral or temporal resolution.

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